Our first steps!

Our company was established in 1995, with big dreams and plans to establish a sustainable and green culture. Initially, our main profile was wholesale and foreign trade, but soon architectural and civil engineering activities, as well as technical consulting, became part of our core activities. Today, these areas form the backbone of our activities, contributing to shaping architecture in an innovative and sustainable manner.

Our company’s central vision is the international promotion of conscious roofs and a sustainable, green culture. This concept represents a way of linking environmental awareness and architectural design. Conscious roofing includes architectural solutions and technologies aimed at promoting environmental sustainability and the application of green building principles. We are proud to be known and recognized players in the field of green roofs and safety technology not only in the Hungarian but also in the international market.


Our company primarily focuses on establishing green roofs in as many countries as possible, covering a large surface area and quantity. We cater to the market demand for green roofs and our partners’ unique concepts with a selection of nearly 120 uniquely developed products, along with 180 standard products.

Our company is a decisive participant of the European green roof market, with a commercial centre in Ingolstadt, Germany, and a commercial and manufacturing centre in Győr, Hungary.
Manufacture of high quality is supported by our ISO9001 quality management system and a dedicated quality management professional.

Every member of the DIADEM® team is proud of what they do and how they work. They are creative and enthusiastic, and consider their work their mission. This is the guarantee for the outstanding quality typical of the products and services provided by the company.

You will benefit from buying our quality products and using our advanced services, including:

  • professional support by highly qualified and experienced designers
  • products subject to permanent quality control
  • short manufacturing and delivery deadlines even for individually manufactured products.

The company gives special emphasis to serving the needs of society without compromising the living conditions of future generations. Our credo for sustainable development is that…

  • ”No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it” (quoted by Einstein)
  • look for the solution “outside” the system
  • everything is connected, so think in terms of correlations rather than priorities.
  • regulations are meant to preserve the future in a good condition.
  • work started in the past, creating the future, needs to be consolidated in the present.
  • the best problem-solving is prevention.
  • not knowing every in- and output of the problem does not mean you should not tackle it.
  • good decisions can be taken by those who will be concerned by them.

The guideline and main motive of the company is to ensure and sustain the liveability of the built environment. Half of the R+D budget is allocated to finding technological solutions promoting the extensive applicability of green roofs and providing long-term options to improve and make liveable the urban ecosystem. The other half of the R+D budget goes to the development of products protecting human life. We place an extremely high value on the safety of people working at height, on roofs; the sales of our products providing individual and collective protection make up half of our turnover.

Product and service quality is guaranteed by the quality management system, the quality manager of the company, and by regular internal and external audits. High-quality product development lets our products outperform compared to the international requirements. This is confirmed by the protocols and certificates of testing agencies. For more details on the manufacturer’s guarantee of the products, ask our salespersons.

Vision and brand name

Our company’s vision: “The city ‘grafted’ with a garden,” perfectly reflects the owner’s mindset and vision, and the company’s employees and partners are tirelessly working towards realization. Our firm stance is that intention is not enough, we must also act to make our environment friendlier, healthier, and more beautiful. We wish to contribute to this by helping our partners achieve their goals of creating a green environment with our unique products and personalized services.
Our vision is reinforced by our company’s brand name, DIADEM®. Its meaning for us is identical to the head ornament that adorns female hair crowns, which our green roofs represent on the tops of buildings, creating livable parks and green islands in the gray, lifeless urban environment. The Diadem is the adornment of female hair crowns, while DIADEM® is the “green” adornment of cities and rooftops.

In addition to green roofs, a very emphasized area has developed in our company: our safety technology product family protecting those working at height: the DiaSafe® system family, which provides anti-fall and collective protection systems, or combinations thereof.

Facts and data

  • We are present in every country of Europe, with 40 employees.
  • Our company produces green roof products (DIADEM®) and safety technology products (DiaSafe® – personal and collective fall protection).
  • Our headquarters and manufacturing site is in Győr – NW Hungary, along the Budapest-Vienna axis, in the Bratislava-Vienna-Győr triangle. Product development takes place in a separate experiment premises.
  • At the service of “a city filled with gardens” for more than 25 years.
  • Total turnover exceeding 7 billion HUF over the past three years.
  • We focus on customer needs
  • Our plastic products are made of recycled materials, to protect the environment
  • Product quality guaranteed by our quality management system (ISO9001, KIR14001)
  • Professionalism ensured by the highly qualified and committedt DIADEM® team
  • Current and new products introduced to our partners at quality training events and seminars
  • A wide range of unique products awaiting the customer
  • ”No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it” (quoted by Einstein)
  • look for the solution “outside” the system
  • everything is connected, so think in terms of correlations rather than priorities.
  • regulations are meant to preserve the future in a good condition.
  • work started in the past, creating the future, needs to be consolidated in the present.
  • the best problem-solving is prevention.
  • not knowing every in- and output of the problem does not mean you should not tackle it.
  • good decisions can be taken by those who will be concerned by them.
  • Our product development and the introduction of new technologies give priority to environmentally friendly products and technology and to durability
  • Developments are meant to help implement our vision
  • Our products and technology are protected by international patents


You will need professional planners with adequate experience to draw up application/installation plans for individual and collective protection systems. The plan must take into account the properties of the building and the site, and the relevant requirements. It is commendable to give priority to the use/plan of fall-arrest systems. The responsible engineer must always approve any modification that may occur during implementation.

  • the exact position of anchor posts and other system elements
  • the system elements to be built in
  • the maximum length of the personal protective equipment
  • the maximum number of permitted users
  1. Project data (country, city, street etc.)
  2. Roof category based on use intensity
  3. Roof plan view including the height data of the various surfaces by level (e.g. roof level, terrace, ground-floor, attica, superstructure specifics)
  4. Facade and sectional drawings inc. height data
  5. Place and means of exit to the rooftop (door, ladder etc.)
  6. Roof’s inclination
  7. Place of superstructures or elements to be installed later (e.g. solar collector)
  8. Roof build-up structure
  9. Ballast material (e.g. growth medium, gravel, cladding elements)
  10. Drawings in dwg format (to accelerate the planning process); if that is not available, pdf is acceptable
  1. Roof plan view drawing incl. indication of the place of the safety bar(s)
  2. Facade and sectional drawings including height data (Drawings in dwg format (to accelerate the design process); if that is not available, pdf is acceptable)
  3. Roof’s inclination (for the DiaSafe® Guard system it is up to 5°)
  4. Place of superstructures or elements to be installed later (solar panels, air conditioner’s external unit etc.)
  5. Skylight protection (to be protected by the DiaSafe® Guard)

Latest news and projects

The construction of an extensive green roof combined with rock wool took place in the autumn of 2022, in a picturesque environment on the shore of Lake Balaton.
Our green roof systems as technical solutions were a splash of colour at the international Galabau Fair held in Nuremberg. Among the range of the Diadem® brand family, the DiaSafe®
The DiaLog planters come in various sizes and diverse designs, made of durable polypropylene. They can be used in a highly versatile manner, serving as decorations and borders for outdoor
Increasing energy costs can be reduced also with installing green roofs. Diadem®’s extensive, semi-intensive and intensive green roofs keep the heat outside in summer and inside in winter.
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