
Water-retention and drainage board PRODUCT CODE: 310234

Product Details

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  • Protecting the waterproofing against the scattering of the filling material ⇒
    protective overlapping edge around the board
  • Increased contact surface ⇒ heightened protection of the waterproofing through the favorable weight distribution
  • Vapor diffusion for inverted roofs ⇒ increased diffusion openings both side
  • Durable and high compressive strength material (HIPS) ⇒ no water cooling needed during summer installations
  • Preventing the sinking of the filter layer ⇒ dedicated support cones
  • Suitable for flooded blue roof ⇒ up to 100 mm water level with the combination of DiaDrain-60H rainwater retention board as a DiaDrain-120-WM wassermanagement system
  • Fire classification regarding EN 13501-1 ⇒ classified as class „E“ construction product, therefore without limitation applicable

DIADEM® build-up

  • Stone pavement
  • Bedding layer
  • Levelled crushed stone
  • DiaDrain-60H-UP drainage board
  • VLU-500 protecting fleece
  • GF-1000 skid membrane (2 layers)
  • VLS-500 water retention and mechanical protection layer
  • Root resistant waterproofing membrane
  • Roof construction


Flow-delay drainage board for inverted roof structures with high vapor diffusion requirement, for blue roofs with the application of water accumulation valve, and for drainaging of traffic areas with zero slope contructions, filled with bearing layer (broken gravel, drainage concrete, etc.) or as permanent shuttering.


Flow-delay drainage board with CE marking, made of recycled high-impact polystyrene (HIPS), 60 mm high, for inverted roof structures with high vapor diffusion requirement , for blue roofs with the application of water accumulation valve, and for drainaging of traffic areas with zero slope contructions, filled with bearing layer (broken gravel, drainage concrete, etc.) or as permanent schuttering; with overlapping strip around the board, dam grid structure with perforations on the both side and water channel system on the underside for water drainage; compressive strength: 122 kN/m2 (average); Water flow capacity on 2% roof slope 2.06 l/(m×s) certified according to EN ISO 12958, fire classification as class „E” construction product regarding EN 13501-1.

Product: DIADEM® DiaDrain-60H-UP
Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin (MCO): APP Kft.
Website: www.diadem.com

Technical data

Technical data Dimensions (mm): 1940x940x60 (nominal); 1980x940x60 (gross)
Surface (m2): 1,82
Fill-up volume (l/m2): ca. 45
Weight (+/- 5%, kg/m2): 2,2
Compressive strength (unfilled, average, kN/m2): 122*
Compressive strength (filled, 21,55% compressive strain, kN/m2): 1320*
Material: high impact polystyrene (HIPS)
Water flow capacity DIN EN ISO 12958 (l/(mxs)): at 2%: 2,06 • at 5%: 3,34 • at 10%: 4,81
Fire classification: Class „E“ regarding DIN EN 13501-1
Storage: horizontally, protect from UV radiation
Installation: adjacent to each other or overlapped, cover immediately after laying
Overlapping loss (%): 1,5

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